Strengthening Local Democracy through Local Political Parties in Aceh


  • Dr. Drs. Muntoha S.H., M. Ag Associate Professor, Constitutional Law Department, Faculty of Law, Islamic University of Indonesia and Director of Center of Islamic Studies, Islamic University of Indonesia.


progress of democracy, state-democracy, society-democracy, local political parties


The development and progress of democracy in other countries affect the democratic system in Indonesia. The existence of a Political Party becomes an instrument of democracy. However, the post-reform democracy system has not been able to accommodate some of the interests of local communities, resulting in the emergence of separatist movements in several regions of Indonesia. By using normative approach and literary study method, this research concludes first, that the people judge the existing National Political Party that at time, it is not in line with the values of Indonesian society. Secondly, one of the problems related to the emergence of separatist movements in Indonesia as a result of the unaccompanied interest of local communities by existing post-reform political parties is the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) in the Province of Nanggroe Aceh Darussalam (NAD).


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How to Cite

Dr. Drs. Muntoha S.H., M. Ag. (2021). Strengthening Local Democracy through Local Political Parties in Aceh. Researchers World - International Refereed Social Sciences Journal, 9(2), 99–106. Retrieved from


